Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Blog is Carbon Neutral [Poem Share] I Love Trees! by the Caffinated Sophist

Thank you DCG for that link!
I Love Trees!

I use to love climbing trees,
tried planting as many as I could
(making my parents furious as I did);
I use to talk to them
(no they did not talk back,
but wished they did).

Love smelling the air that they gave,
or just lying up against one
in the spring, summer, or fall,
while the world just slipped past by.

Hid in behind the bushes, using a tree's
shade as cover, while the world was busy,
I was playing with my friends,
oak, ash, beech, magnolian, and birch.

During the winter, when they sleeping in
cold breezes, white powedered pillows and blankets,
I made sure I kept them company, by placing
my hand on their trunks saying
"if you're still here, I'll still be here."

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  1. I love trees and climbing them.I wish everyone loved trees (:

  2. TY! it just started off as what I liked about trees, then I got into the mind-set of my "inner-child" and wrote it as it is...
